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Check out a still from the latest Harry Potter book 'Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey'
Ah...I love Cedric! Still cry at the end of this movie :'''(

Thanks to @Suzie55 for sharing with us!!

Q: What can we expect from the two final chapters, compared to other episodes of Twilight?A: The new director, Bill Condon, has found a vein of humor in the story, and was not afraid to show the most silly part of it. The first part of this movie has a completely new light, and mixes even more movie genres.

Q: Edward has changed?A: For the first time he loses control, which has always been the key to the character. At first it was unsettling for me.

Q: What was it like to turn the last day of filming?A: The last two weeks were terrible on the set. We shot in Canada, with a frigid cold . For all the five films we have almost always shot in places horribly cold. Then, for the last scene, we flew with a small group of technicians in the Caribbean, to shoot the love scene between Edward and Bella. Sometimes, small things, such as heat, assume a value indescribable. Working for Twilight was like living in a capsule: work 6 days a week, and closed on Sunday at the hotel to sleep, without seeing what was around us. The very last day, at last, we were in the Caribbean, we shot at sea, a warm sea, and we make out on the beach all day. Not bad as a final gift is not it? (laughs)

Q: There are high expectations of fans on sex scenes in this movieA: The funny thing is that fans talk about sex scenes in books, but in the books there is not even one, it’s all very chaste. It only says that after Edward and Bella make love on the bed there are feathers, and this detail has assumed mythic proportions in the minds of readers. All the alleged eroticism of the story comes from this image. Evidently Twililght has the power to unleash the imagination.

Q: But you chose to fade to black as in the books .A: Impossible, people would be freaking out. This scene became an obsession for the fans. But ultimately, it’s just sex. The way I see it, watch two people having sex can never be amazing . We hope that this scene is a little funny, otherwise it would be a disaster (laughs).

Q: There are other moments of suspense for the fans. One of these is the birth of Renesmee ..A: Well, that’s much more daring of the sex scene, because it’s a difficult birth and described in detail. We used a newborn true, two weeks aged covered with red jelly and cream cheese, to emulate the blood and the placenta and all those things I can not remember the name. Put it this way, that child will not want to ever grow up to be an actress.

Q: And then there’s the marriage. Kristen and you will have enjoyed to play that scene?A_ Well, the scene is almost entirely on the shoulders of Kristen. The preparation of the ceremony is fun, and centered on Bella’s character. I appear for a few seconds to pronounce my “I do”. On the other hand in marriage the bride is always at the center of attention, right?

Q: You’ve thought a lot about marriage?A: I know the cliché, but I do not know much. In my life I just went to a couple of weddings. I saw many funerals, I think the proportion is twenty funerals- two weddings. I have to be a little unlucky.

Q: When I met you for Water for Elephants you had just finished Breaking Dawn and told me to feel a brunch of emotions like at the end of the school. Now how do you feel?A: I do not know, over the past three years I lived in a cyclone as if I had not done anything else. I shot other films but all I’ m asked only about Twilight. I know I can really think about the future only in a year, when I will do my last part of the promotional duties. For now I can not think how it will be after the end of twilight

Q: You’re not glad it’s over for the media hype around you?A: these days is not bad to have some of that advertising, for how things works in the industry .I don’t know how I will be perceived by people in a couple of years. Up to now I have been told about the same things, and I have only been seen as a function of Twilight. I can not make predictions.

Q: So the celebrity does not have side effects?A: There are unpleasant things, but the only thing they are really bad people who must at all costs to denigrate, to the point of hating ..

Q: You have actually experienced the hatred of someone about yourself?A: I think that it happens to all those who reach a certain level of success. The criticisms of me are good, but I’ m protective and and I react against only when it is done or said anything against my family and people I love. But the nice thing is that Twilight fans are protective against us. They are, literally, our team

Q: so it’s like in sports? fans and rivals?A: Just like in sports. There’s your team, and those who hate you.

Q: The actors are afraid of typecasting,be linked to a character forever.A: I do not think I have that problem, I should have taken more risks if I had success with action films. It would have been trapped in. How many love stories with good vampires can ask me to play ? Not many (laughs).

Q: What will be the legacy of the Twilight saga?A: I think we leave behind something positive. Thanks to Twilight to a lot of guys read more. Clearly Harry Potter there has paved the way for us. And now the film industry knows that women are audience that deserves to have tailor-made films. But really I do not understand how someone can hate Twilight

Q: Some time ago you said you did not understand the success of the vampires in film and television. Have you changed your mind?A: Look, I still can not think of a vampire attractive. the pallor, the fangs … Imagine you meet on the street looking this way. My God…. so ugly!

Tomorrow's the big day! In just over 24 hours, we'll be sitting down with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner for our MTV First: Breaking Dawn - Part 1, and as you probably know, a portion of our festivities will be dedicated to debuting a never-before-seen clip from the saga's fourth installment. And because you've been such patient pals waiting for this EXCLUSIVE scene, we're giving you a quick peek! (Shhhhh! Don't tell our bosses...)

This still is straight from the brand new footage, and as you can likely surmise, captures the moments right before Bella and Edward's long-awaited nuptials. Alice (Ashley Greene) and Rosalie (Nikki Reed) are visions in purple as they help Bella (Kristen) get ready to walk down the aisle to her vampire groom. But the question remains: Just who are they looking at? I guess you'll have to tune in to find out!

And you better believe this isn't the last tease you'll get before the clip debuts during our MTV First. Check in with MTV Movies tomorrow morning at 7 ET for an entire 10-SECOND SNIPPET of the scene. That's major.

Aurum has confirmed via their Twitter account (@aurump) that the Spanish premiere will take place onNovember 17 in Barcelona. Confirmed guests are Bill Condon, Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson.

The premiere will take place at Forum del Centro de Convenciones Internacional de Barcelona, with a red carpet followed by a screening of the movie at 21:30. Tickets will not be sold, but a few fans may score their own at various contests. Exact time for the red carpet has not been revealed, but it's being planned for 20:00. Time subject to change.

Thanks to Twilight Poison

Pattinsonlife Via 

Looks like Dakota was also there!



First Question: and you, what do you think about weddings?
Rob: I don't know until now, I've been around twenty funerals and just 2 weddings, certainly for what I saw they're more fun than the funerals.

but, didn't you got emotional after the ring exchange?
Rob: the truth? I think that the major part of the men who get married, live the same kind of experience: you stay there, waiting.. the wedding day is a woman's thing, it's their day. It was different for Kristen: the dress, walking to the altar, the music. I got away with an "you are very pretty, let's get married!"
Kristen: I have to admit it, I felt like a real bride: at the center of the attention, in a wonderful dress.. for that scene everybody had to leave their phones before entering: the dress had to be kept a secret.

In the movie there's also a sex scene, it was hard to film it?!
Kristen: To be honest it was funny to shoot, when there's confidence with someone everything comes naturally
Rob: It was more embarrassing to take off my shirt near Taylor, have you seen his abs?! I felt like a loser.

there's everything in this movie: sex, wedding, the honeymoon..
Kristen: yes, in Brazil. But since that we (of Twilight) are pro in programming stuffs, we went there during the rainy season. It was fun tho.
Rob: yeah: the honeymoon was really fun even if it was always raining.

and then you have a kid…
Rob: I'm not the one who gives birth.
Kristen: the baby bump was huge, unusually lightweight

How did you felt being pregnant?
Kristen: do I have to be honest? not particularly sexy

the sex, honeymoon and the kid were all good: wasn't there something about Twilight that you hated?!
Rob: contact lenses, a torture and I'll definitely not miss them
Kristen: I agree: terrible and painful, but I particularly hated them because you couldn't watch people directly in the eyes, the humanity aspect was off in someway

you have shot all the Twilight movies, so is over for you. but everybody else have to wait until the second part of BD.. How do you feel about it?!
Rob: Are you sure it's over? it depends on Stephenie Meyer. I'll say it right now, if she writes a sequel, I'll be in.
Kristen: it will be over only when we'll talk about it using the past tense. It's been a really important part of my life: I was 17 when it started and now I'm 21. And finally I can legally drink.

and your dreams, before Twilight?
Kristen: Let's see: I didn't move to Sydney, the city I love the most, and I think I'll not do it for quite some time. I really wanted to continue studying, but that was in the past. Right now I'm happy like this.. ah yeah I still write.
Rob: When I was a kid I wanted to be a pianist in a restaurant in the south of France. I went there with my dad, and I saw a relaxed man in a smoking playing, with a glass of Whiskey on the piano. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. I'll admit it: what it happened to me with Twilight, it's not the life I thought I would have .

Scans: winnie_is |Translation RKItalia| Via RPlife

Thanks to @SEtexasKat

Thanks to @victoria1985

The caption from the pap agency
Kristen Stewart, Oct 29, 2011: ' Twilight' stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are seen arriving separately at an apartment. Pattinson was seen arriving at the apartment on the evening of October 29. A tired-looking Stewart was spotted arriving around lunchtime on October 30 Pattinson's rep Sarah Spear visited the apartment on the evening of October 30.

(Kristen's body guard on the blue backpack with Kristen )

(Kristen's body guard on the blue backpack with Rob)

(and Marcus Forster is there as well :)

Rob spending the weekend with Kristen is like the most romantic thing ever. I mean Roberto you are the best boyfriend ever!! Thank you for being the sweetest to our girl... (sigh) Get ready 3 more days until we see RK bubbles left and right!! This month is going to be so epic. Last year promo wont know what hit it. Happy Robsten Day my loves:)) Keep living the dream. And please... Don't let the haters aka (nonstens) ruin your fun or your sappyness over this amazing couple. ~ A

Thanks to Pattinsonlife | Via 

Bigger Pics thanks to shesgotthemoves

SayWhatNews: Sarah, you know I have to ask about "Twilight". You play Renee Dwyer, Bella Swan's mother. Had you read the books before you got the role? And how did you learn about the role of Bella's mom?

Sarah: I read Twilight because Catherine Hardwicke asked me to. I loved the first book but have to admit that I was under-whelmed about the character of Renee. It was Catherine who convinced me that there was more to her. She grew on me as the movies went on, but I still find her lack of presence in Bella’s life very annoying.

SayWhatNews: Speaking of Renee's lack of presence in Bella's life...... Bella's mom really has no major part in her life when she moves to Forks except for emails and a few phone calls. As a mother, what are your thoughts on Bella and Renee's distant and some what hands off mother/daughter relationship?

Sarah: Yeah it’s weird...being a mother of two girls myself I found it very frustrating...I finally had to make peace with it and decided that Renee was a different mother than myself. I also have to remember that Bella was 17..and not by then there is a lot more independence.

SayWhatNews: In 'Twilight Saga: Eclipse', we finally get a look at the bond Bella and her mother have when the two share a very special moment on the patio when Renee gives Bella a gift during her visit. Do you feel this was a key moment for the two characters?

Sarah: Absolutely...I think the key to understanding their bond is that there is a mutual respect of personal and emotional space. Renee really does see Bella as an adult and an equal to her...that’s why she doesn’t crowd her.

SayWhatNews: "Breaking Dawn: Part 1" hits the theaters in November and fans are counting down the days. What has it been like for you to be part of such a phenomenal movie?

Sarah: It’s been a blast.

SayWhatNews: In a recent interview, Taylor Lautner said he had watched "Breaking Dawn: Part 1" and was pleased with the movie. Have you seen it yet and if so what do you think?

Sarah: No! How did he get to see it? I’m jealous.

SayWhatNews: I guess he knew someone inside. (lol) Sarah you have been in all the "Twilight" movies. What's it like experiencing the fandemonium that follows the movie with the "Twi-hards", Team Edward and Team Jacob and the Twilight conventions?

Sarah: Nothing I ever expected.

SayWhatNews: The end of "Twilight" is near. Can you tell us how it was on the set the last days of taping "Breaking Dawn: 1&2"?

 It was exciting and bitter sweet. I think a lot of people were really happy and sad to see it all end.

Click to view this scan in UHQ

 Bill Condon talks PG-13 rating, sex scene and filming in Brazil

Though director Bill Condon couldn't confirm the R rating when MTV News recently spoke with him on the phone, he did reveal the approach necessary to earn a more teen-friendly PG-13 for the November 18 release.

"It's almost clinical the kind of strict guidelines [the MPAA] have about anything that appears to be — how do I put it delicately?

That appears to be, let's call it thrusting. In fact, you know, it was so much more about romance than it was about hot-and-heavy action, so it was a very kind of simple adjustment to make."

If filming the infamous sex scene was one of the simplest items on Condon's honeymoon to-do list, one of the most difficult was scouting the location: the secluded Isle Esme owned by Carlisle Cullen.

"We went to Brazil where it was at, that felt important to us," he said. "There are very few houses built on the water because it's against the law. So they're mostly built up, so it was hard to find a house that was like that. It took us — wow — we were five hours outside of Rio and then a boat trip of 40 minutes to get to this one island that had the house that we wanted."

It was a good thing Condon was satisfied with the locale seeing as he and the crew spent several unexpected extra hours there.

"We spent four days there and one night, when we had this incredible hurricane and couldn't get off the island," he said. "Eighty of us slept in the house on the floor and in bathtubs. It was incredible."

Conferencia de prensa
Celebrities At The Lancia Cafe

source DiarioTwilight